Building Real-Time Laravel Apps with Pusher

Debugging your client-side integration with Pusher

The Pusher Debug Console is great for understand how the Pusher JavaScript library is interacting with Pusher.

The Pusher Debug Console

Here's what to check:

  • Are you seeing a Connection entry. If not, check you're using the correct Pusher Application Key.
  • Are you seeing a Subscribed entry and is the Channel the one you expect to see?
  • If the above seem fine then make sure the Subscribed entry is occuring before the API Message entry. If not, then it means the message is being sent before Pusher knows the client is interested in it.

As well as the Pusher Debug Console you can also configure the Pusher JavaScript library so that it will log information, exposing its internal workings, to the browser console.

Pusher JavaScript Logging

Update your client-side code:

<script src="//"></script>
Pusher.log = function(msg) {

var pusher = new Pusher("{{env("PUSHER_KEY")}}")

From here we can check:

  • Does the logging indicate that a connection is being established? Pusher : State changed : connecting -> connected
  • Is the subscription to the channel succeeding? Pusher : No callbacks on test-channel for pusher:subscription_succeeded
  • Is the event being received and does the event name match the one you're using in your call to bind? Pusher : Event recd : {"event":"TestEvent","data":{"text":"Broadcasting in Laravel using Pusher!"},"channel":"test-channel"}

Where next?

Still stuck? Ask the instructor if you're in a workshop. If not, take a look at the Pusher Support desk. From there you can contact support if required.

Let's see what we've just learned.